Who We Are
Some have suggested that finding the right church is a lot like searching for a new home. But the truth is, it’s so much more – it’s like finding your family! It’s not about real estate, it’s about being loved and accepted and being able to relax and worship God together. It’s like finally being home and unwinding with the ones you love…the ones who love you!
We at The Father’s House like to foster that community attitude. It starts from our entrance! As soon as you walk in our doors you’ll be welcomed warmly and counted as family.

So whether you’re searching for answers to life, needing a place to grow in your faith, or just looking to make new friends, we understand where you’re coming from. Each and every one of us has been there and we want to include you.
We are a church that is made up of imperfect people who are passionate about God and others. The Father’s House is full of ordinary people whom God has done some extraordinary things in their lives.

Through our church we’ve discovered serving God and living a life filled with His Spirit is the ultimate joy that brings peace and fulfillment. And not just for now, but for all eternity.
If you’re looking for a church family to call home, we want to connect and be that for you. You’re always welcome. We offer an array of opportunites to encounter God each week. No invitation is ever needed. So why not start by experiencing the presence of God with us this Sunday as we worship Him? You’ll be glad you did!
The Father’s House
“More Than A Church; We’re A Family”
We’re a family that loves, worships, and serves God.
We’re a family that pursues God’s presence and desires to experience the miraculous.
We’re a family that prays and learns God’s word together.
We’re a family that is imperfect, real, and cultivates relationships.
We’re a family that has a mission to reach the lost and to make disciples.
We are located at 55 Natividad Road, Salinas, CA 93906
You can join us each Sunday morning at 10:30 AM in person or on our church’s Facebook page. Our midweek bible study and prayer is “in person” on Wednesdays @ 6:00 PM.
We have been described as “friendly” and we have been told that we have a “family atmosphere.” Many say that the presence of God can be felt when we gather. Our church has a relaxed atmosphere, is real, and people come as they are. Our church is like a hospital where the broken and wounded can find healing. We have ordinary people in whom God has done extraordinary things. We are a Pentecostal church that has a balanced approach and we believe that all the spiritual gifts outlined in the scriptures are in operation today. We are expressive in our worship, yet each person can worship God in how they most feel comfortable. Our church has bible based teaching both on Sunday mornings and at our Wednesday evening prayer and bible study.
We are a friendly church and have a relaxed atmosphere. We have preservice prayer at 9:45 AM in the sanctuary and then at 10:15 AM our self serve coffee bar in open. The morning service begins at 10:30 AM. Our services are Holy Spirit led. At The Father’s House we spend time in worship, corporate prayer, teaching and many times we will open the altars for prayer. We do not “rush” the Holy Spirit and give Him ample time to move. We are passionate in our worship and we have extended times of prayer, lingering in the presence of God. It is our desire that those who come encounter the presence of God each week. As far as our teaching, our Pastor will usually preach in a series. The teaching is down to earth, applicable to our lives, and relevant.
We gather for prayer in the sanctuary at 6:00 PM followed up with bible study in the fellowship hall at about 6:30 PM. It is a great time to fellowship, build relationships, and discussion. Our midweek prayer and bible study is a time where we get deep into the Word of God. Generally we have coffee and a snack. In July each year we take a break for summer resuming in August. Then in November we will take our Christmas break beginning the Wednesday before Thanksgiving and will resume in the New Year.
Yes we do. Our children’s ministry is called Kids Zone and goes from K-5th grade. The children are dismissed after worship each Sunday. Our volunteers teach God’s word using various types of age appropiate video curriculum. Each week they cover different topics and stories from the bible.
We have outreaches to the community throughout the year, women’s ministries, men’s ministries, worship ministry, and several missionaries we support.
We are affiliated with the Assemblies of God.
You can find a detailed description on the “What We Believe” section on this website.
Yes we do. Our church’s Facebook page link is right below the FAQ’s section.
The Branch Ministry is The Father’s House Food Pantry Ministry. We distribute food on the second and fourth Wednesday’s of each month @ 5:00 PM. Each year in November and December we only have one food distribution. Please contact the church office to find out the specific date.